Enjoy Not Knowing

Just another American living in Sweden

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2017, that happened


My last blog post that did not feature a book was in July. That’s quite a few months of happenings with no writing. In fact, after doing a quick scroll through of my 2017 blog I now realize I’ve only posted 7 times outside of my book of the month posts. Seven:

  1. one year old
  2. finally 2017 (a look ahead)
  3. ry-guy
  4. mediwift
  5. t-man
  6. 15 days: my iphone withdrawal story
  7. four(teen)th of july

Either there’s not a whole lot going on for me, or a whole helluva lot. To be honest, definitely some of both. So, yeah, that happened. I do want to continue my recent tradition of reverse bucket listing my year. This year’s list will serve two purposes: it’s a great way to reflect on the good times of 2017, and is also a list of blog posts soon to be featured here:

  1. Hosted wintry guests
  2. Went on a cruise
  3. Celebrated weddings in Newport, RI and Sundance, UT
  4. Traveled to the western USA with my family
  5. Saw the Grand Canyon
  6. Went to Vegas
  7. Followed my savings plan
  8. Coached a growing group of girls
  9. Attended my 10 year high school reunion
  10. Completed another year of my ECE degree

I’ll stop at 10, because that’s been my modus operandi the previous two years, but there may be an extra post or two coming down the pipeline with happenings from the eventful 2017 – like my epic summer vacation. Get ready, 2018 is here.


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four blogging years

Can you believe this?! Four years ago in January I started this little corner of the internet, and my have we come a long way.

4 years of blogging

I’ve posted 285 times. This post you’re reading now is the two hundred and eighty fifth time I have composed word followed by word to send out into the interwebs.

I have uploaded 796 pictures/collages and y’all have viewed my little blog 11,794 times.

Sunday at 9:00pm is my most popular day and time. I should probably start posting every Sunday, eh?

My top three visited posts/pages (aside from the home page) are:

  1. 25 before 25, published March 21st, 2012
  2. 5 years, published November 1st, 2013
  3. Book of December: James Potter, published December 31st, 2012

The top five countries who view my blog the most are:

  1. USA FullSizeRender (4)
  2. Sweden FullSizeRender (6)
  3. France FullSizeRender (8)
  4. Germany FullSizeRender (7)
  5. Canada FullSizeRender (5)

I want to say: Thank you! Tack så mycket! Merci! Dankeshön! And once again thank you! Without you my lovely readers this blog would be nothing.





the 200th

Well here it is. Much sooner than I thought.

text graphic courtesy of WordPress

text graphic courtesy of WordPress

When I started out on this grand adventure, I never could have imagined what my blog would become. And now, only three months away from my three year anniversary, a lot has changed. Not only on the blog.

Since day one I’ve written 30 book of the month posts. (And read as many books!)

Since day one I’ve completed 17 things that I’ve always wanted to do. (Check out the 25 before 25 and 30 before 30 lists to read about them!)

Since day one some things have happened. I’ve learned a new language, I’ve travelled, I’ve made memories, and met people who are impossible to forget. I’ve used this blog to catalogue the great things. The adventures and smile bearing small moments.

There have been some bumps along the road, some that I’ve casually mentioned, but I try not to dwell. I do hope you fabulous readers do know that it’s not all rainbows and butterflies. I do prefer to highlight the good though. Positivity builds on itself to create more good. So when I’m down I can pick myself back up by taking a little peek at my own corner of the internet. It usually works.

Let’s start a tradition then, and focus on the good, like how many different places in the world my blog has poked it’s nose into your lives.

Stats 200

statistics courtesy of WordPress

That’s 75 countries y’all. How many views does your country have?

I hope you enjoy what you see.




do you remember

Do you guys remember my first blog post ever? I certainly do. (And if you can’t be troubled to click that little link and read up you’ll get the gist of it anyway.) Not to say I can predict the future, but I totally can.

What did I say in that first post ever? That I didn’t want this to turn into 10th grade English class? Well, it has, my friends, it has. I am both behind on my reading and my writing. Although this time it is all self-inflicted, it seems to matter all the same.

Side bar: Does this mean I actually enjoyed 10th grade English…if I keep bringing myself back there…? What would Freud say?

Anywho. What I feared would happen has happened. I have promised many a promise and post, and have yet to deliver. I’m here today to tell you about ALL of the posts I’ve said I’d post. (And haven’t yet.) In list form of course, I love lists. I’m going to Tarentino this bad boy and start at the end…which is really the beginning:

Let’s start with 2012:
In a post entitled things i’ve been up to I’ve listed a list of things I had been up to (as my listy list suggests) the following is what has yet to be written about.

  1. Celebrating birthdays
  2. Visiting Spain part 3
  3. Last week at my job
  4. Working out
  5. Gardening
  6. Trying out DIY stuff off of Pintrest
  7. Germinating lemon seeds, trying to grow avocado and hoping my pineapple bush won’t die
  8. Riding motorcycles

Moving on to 2013:
If you check out my book of the month list for 2013 you’ll notice a few things. First, both June and August have yet to be posted. These are now, seriously, delayed. If you were to start clicking on some of the links you would notice a couple rather incomplete posts. These are the, soon to be more complete, BOTMs coming to a screen near you:

  1. February – Läroplan för förskolan Lpfö 98 by Skolverket
  2. April – Godnatt, Alfons Åberg by Gunilla Bergström
  3. June – The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster
  4. August – Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides

In October I mentioned my own personal troubles getting on SJ trains, and promised a future story.

Also in 2013 I made five New Year’s resolutions. Two have yet to be completed:

  1. Paint a painting
  2. Find a lasagna recipe Evelina likes as much as I do

Finally, 2014:
A trend has started, and I have yet to post the following BOTMs for 2014.

  1. March – Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
  2. April – The Flame Alphabet by Ben Marcus

In January I talked about throwing a sun party, if you’re curious how that went, stay tuned.
In March
I mentioned lördagsgodis, a future explanation is clearly on its way.

I also wrote a post only a few weeks ago expressing my regrets in my absence from writing. There I listed the following future posts.

  1. Wrapping up my Swedish as a Second Language course
  2. Running like a mad woman
  3. Travelling across the Atlantic
  4. Hosting a friend
  5. Party planning
  6. Taking my driver’s test
  7. The end of the school year

As I’m sure you realize, this is quite the list, but it actually doesn’t include it all. I will also be updating previous posts, and editing and fine tuning what needs to be edited and fine tuned. If you like math you will see that this totals 26 up and coming posts.

This whole idea, posting all of the things I’ve said I’d write about, can be found on my 30 before 30 list, number 14. I know I’ve been talking about this for a year, but I feel new motivation coming on. When I’ve posted all these posts I’m hoping my blog will have a more complete and cohesive feel. That I can actually pretend that I have a bit of focus and thought behind what I do. I like pretending.


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2013 in review – with love, from WordPress

The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2013 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

A San Francisco cable car holds 60 people. This blog was viewed about 2,500 times in 2013. If it were a cable car, it would take about 42 trips to carry that many people.

Click here to see the complete report.

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the 100th

Hello and welcome to Enjoy Not Knowing’s 100th post!

Wicked cool text graphic courtesy of WordPress

Wicked cool text graphic courtesy of WordPress

What I should say is WELCOME TO THE PARTAYYY!

Since this is an online blog, which reaches people across the world (apparently! – how cool is that!), this party will have to take place wherever you, dear reader, live. The requirements are as follows (WARNING: this is a drinking game):

  • Read through the entire blog
  • For every noun you find, take one sip of beer.
  • For every adjective you find, take one sip of wine.
  • For every verb you find, take a shot of vodka.
  • If you’re still standing: YOU WIN!

What does one win? A hug. From me, in Sweden. (Not redeemable for cash, No expenses paid. Must be over 18 in most countries 21 in the US, and essentially of drinking age to participate and compete. Adequate evidence of completion must be provided on demand. The definition of what is adequate is subject to change.) Good luck!

In case drinking games aren’t for you, you can read some fun facts about my little corner of the internet instead:

Wicked cool map picture courtesy of WordPress

Wicked cool map picture courtesy of WordPress

  • Top 10 countries who have viewed ENK since it’s inception:
  1. Sweden
  2. USA
  3. Canada
  4. Spain
  5. Italy
  6. Philippines
  7. United Kingdom
  8. France
  9. Australia
  10. Germany


  • Top 5 tags and categories:
  1. Life
  2. Family
  3. Celebrate
  4. Love
  5. Tied for fifth: Spain, wine, laughter, warm, memories, anniversary


  • Top 5 search engine results that have led you to ENK:
  1. James Potter and the Hall of Elders’ Crossing
  2. Palacio Real de Madrid
  3. James Potter book
  4. James Potter books
  5. The Giver


  • Total number of views to date: 4, 435
  • Total number of comments to date: 177
  • All time high views in one day: 111 (on this post)
  • Number of followers: 40

A big THANK YOU to all you readers for stopping by every once in a while.

That’s it for me.



this week

“I have a friend who took all the doors out of his house one summer. It reminds me there’s nothing I have that’s worth hiding, he said. No secrets is the key to world peace. He put them all back on that winter. I decided it was peaceful enough for me, he said.”

– Brian Andreas


This week I’ve read some pretty heavy blog entries. Heavy stuff involving abuse, miscarriage, death, rage, blood, pain. It was all in there. This stuff is weighing me down. Makes me walk a little slower. Makes me think. Something that is resonant through these stories I have read, though, include the opposite side of life. Resilience, healing, strength, forgiveness, continuing, love. These things show through. Make me lighter. Allow me to turn my face to the sun and smile. Allows me to accept the warmth that is also in the world.


I admire these beautiful women for what they have shared on WordPress of late, and it reminded me of the Brian Andreas quote above.

If you’re interested, here are the posts, however, if you’re already in a crummy mood, maybe just go for a walk instead:


things i’ve been up to

Hello all!

As you may have noticed I have pretty much disappeared from my beloved blog. I hope you’ve enjoyed not knowing what I’ve been up to. See what I did there? I am here today to tell you all about what I’ve been up to! Well. Almost.

This is the list of what I’ve been up to while I haven’t been blogging. In no specific order:

Coming to a computer screen near you. Fall of 2012.

P.S. It’s pretty much fall in Sweden already. I wore pants yesterday, which I really wasn’t a fan of on many levels.

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25 before 25

I have decided to come up with a list of 25 things I want to accomplish by the time I turn 25. I feel a particular sensation of anxiety and stress about these tasks, because I only have two short years to complete them. Seeing as my 23rd birthday is fast approaching. All too fast in my opinion. How the hell did I get so old?! (Yes, I realize I am not actually that old, but hey, it’s the oldest I’ve ever been — and apparently some people expect me to ‘act’ like an ‘adult’, which adds pressure — and disappointment — for them, because that day will never come.)

So I don’t actually know who to credit with this idea, because I’ve seen many bloggers have some sort of variation of this. But after visiting this awesome blog I was first exposed to the idea.

**Side bar: I suppose a whole lot of credit should also be given to my friend Katie who has a ‘Spanish Bucket List’ however I didn’t realize that her list also fell into this category until recent retrospection — hind sight is 20/20

Anyway, since I am most directly mimicking in a great form of flattery the ideas of thoughtsappear I want to give her credit. (Yes, mimic is a synonym of copy, and to copy is the definition of plagiarise, however in the free flow of ideas and exchanges, who can really say that they “own” this idea — more on plagiarism and my admiration of Malcolm Gladwell to come). The moral: thank you thoughtsappear and all others who are joining me in the attempted completion of tasks before a certain or undefined time in the future. I salute you.