Enjoy Not Knowing

Just another American living in Sweden

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book of june: the power of habit: why we do what we do in life and business

The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business by Charles Duhigg was very enjoyable. But, before we get into things I would like to comment on how long the titles of my book of the month books have been these past two months! Geeze! Is that the new thing, ridiculously long titles? I like it. Or at least I’ve really liked these past two books!

The Power of Habit

Anywho! If you haven’t seen my most recent PN post, go check it out, because a big reason for why I read this book was PN. All the talk about habits in PN got my thoughts a churnin’. Luckily, this book gave me some of the answers I was looking for.

First, basically every single habit and lesson in PN is based on thorough research, some of which is touched upon in this book. Second, I think this book should be recommended reading for all those in PN. The book is captivating, touches on a wide range of subjects while still keeping its focus and the interest of the reader. That is quite a feat, in my opinion. At times I was reminded of Malcolm Gladwell’s writing, but I want to claim that Duhigg took a step up in his writing and really kept one focus strong throughout the entire book. Something that is missing from Gladwell’s writing. Don’t get me wrong I’m a huge fan of both authors (apparently!), but I felt that The Power of Habit spoke to me personally on a level that Gladwell’s books just don’t.

The ending was truly powerful *wink wink*, but I particularly enjoyed the appendix. If you were to only read one part or section of this book (which I don’t actually recommend) read the appendix. The appendix is particularly juicy. Have you read this book? Did you like it? Hate it? Tell me about it in the comments section below!


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My wife recently suggested that I cut down on my activities. It was really good advice. What she was getting at is that I do a lot of things, activities we’ll call them, though many of these activities are self-imposed “things to do”. I agree, I have a lot on my plate. Many of these “things to do” do not need to get done, or certainly not right now, today.

I’ve decided to prioritize just a few things, and be sure to rock these things.

The title of this post is FOCUS. Both because I am narrowing my FOCUS to just three things: work, play & PN. But also because the name of the PN team I’m in is called team FOCUS. It all fits in nicely.


Thus far I’ve posted three PN posts under that PN tab up top, (one, two and three – if you’re interested). I’m really enjoying the program. If you’ve read the posts you’ll recal that we focus on three things in PN (that’s where I got the magic number three from – no historical mythological connections here). The three PN things we FOCUS on are: lesson, habit & workout.


I’m extrapolating this tactic to the other areas of my life. Hopefully to find some personal balance and success in my endeavors. What this means for the blog: in the coming months I will be posting less. I post about 7 posts per month, but for at least the next three months I’ll be posting fewer than that. I certainly enjoy writing and posting, so occasionally writing a blog post will fall under the category of “fun”. But I’m not going to put any pressure on myself to post a particular post at a particular time.

See you in the fall! When I’ll be sure to tell you all about how much I’ve rocked my work, play & PN over the summer.



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the summer solstice

Today is the summer solstice! Meaning it is the longest day of the year, when we get the most hours of sunlight here in the Northern hemisphere. Despite the fact that today is the longest day of the year, here in Sweden we celebrated two days ago, on Friday. Unlike Friday it’s actually pretty sunny today! Much warmer as well. For the first time this year summer is at our doorstep. Hopefully soon to actually breach the threshold.

I am very ready for summer’s arrival. Not only because of the excellent festivities in Sweden for midsummer, as cataloged in 2012 and 2014. But also for the cake.

strawberry cake

Kidding, summer isn’t just about strawberry cake (though would it be so bad if it were?). I’m looking forward to long summer nights, sunny summer days, and wearing sunglasses daily. Basically, I’m looking forward to the sun. Me and the sun are tight. Except when it’s fire rays burn blisters into my skin. Then we’re not so tight. Definitely not doing that this summer. Stay tuned to see if I’m successful in that endeavor.


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the birthday boy

The younger of my younger brothers has his birthday today! Happy Birthday T!

Me & T

I’ve come to terms with the fact that I’m getting older, but in my mind’s eye Tyler is still 6 years old with a stylish 90’s haircut to match. I can still rest my elbow on his head. You know, to relax while standing. I’m not ready to give that up. I’m considering bringing a step-stool around whenever we hang out.

Tyler, on this day, the day of your 20th birthday I bestow upon you sisterly advice. (It’s not that thing about bees.) But rather a new look on an old adage. You can’t have your cake and eat it too. Unless you make two cakes. I’m not sure why no one has thought of this yet. So, brother, whenever you’re at a cross roads in life, bring two cakes.



why i wasn’t running

This weekend was the Eskilstuna quarter marathon. It has gone by different names, so for now I’ll call it å-varvet, since that’s what it was called at one point in time. If not currently. I’m not feeling up to checking. Feel free to do so and let me know.

This weekend I did not join the over 2,300 people running the quarter marathon because of my shoulder injury. (Yes, I looked up that number, and yes, this year it was called å-loppet, so that’s all cleared up.) Unfortunately I have yet to be cleared to run. As you may recall from my Ode to Elizabeth I have injured my shoulder playing hockey, and it has taken a while to heal up. Either it has taken a while or I’m incredibly inpatient. The physical therapist I met with last Thursday would have me believing the latter. He really emphasized the fact that this type of shoulder injury will take time to heal.

Time heals all wounds.

Blah-de-blah-blah. Sure, whatever. I’m ready to be healed now. I know I can’t be the only person to think this, but when ever I’m injured. Or have a paper cut or something. All I can do is focus on the injury. Imagining the sweet good ol’ days pre-stubbed toe, for example. I wallow in the fact that when I’m whole and healthy I never appreciate it. I mean really appreciate it. I squander away my days it pain-free ignorance of how good I have it. Then I scrape my knee or accidentally slice open my thumb while trying to be a good wife and cook dinner for once, and I’m once again wallowing in self-pity land, reminiscing on how good I had it just yesterday before I sliced through half my thumb nail.

What I’m getting at is I really wanted to run on Saturday. The medals had a purple ribbon this year. Purple guys! But I couldn’t because it hurts to run. And according to my physio I’m not allowed to do anything that hurts me. Clearly I’m paying these medical professionals appropriately for some great counseling here.


Guess I’ll have to wait for next year until my two medals can become three, and I can attempt to check off number 13 on my 30 before 30 list. Knock on wood.


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the birthday boy

This guy turns 23 today! Happy Birthday brother!


Not only can I not believe it is already June of 2015, but the elder of my little brothers is turning 23 whole years today. I feel like I should bestow some wisdom upon you on this special day, but all I can think of is don’t step on bees. Even bumblebees, it still hurts.

So, with that, I hope you have a fabulous bee-sting-less birthday today. Listen to your older sister, she knows.
