Enjoy Not Knowing

Just another American living in Sweden

a year of pn

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Though I may not have updated my PN page super often I have written a few posts there already, and if you haven’t, feel free to check those out!

January 19th, 2015 I embarked on my year-long PN journey. Based on self motivated habit changing the program helps and has helped thousands of people reach their fitness goals. During the course of the year I learned about nutrition and habit-forming in a way that I never had before. The PN platform kept me interested in the program and motivated to continue. Not to mention my awesome coach who I had almost weekly contact with.


A screen shot of my platform’s progress pictures

At the beginning of the program I had certain goals I wanted to achieve. But along the course of the PN journey I realized that my initial goals (reaching a certain weight, lifting a certain amount in the gym, etc.) weren’t really why I had started this adventure.

After a shoulder injury in March my workouts were pretty thrown off. Refocusing with my coach and physiotherapist I got some great advice and support on how I could best rehabilitate my shoulder. I seriously question if I would have come back as quickly if I hadn’t had such great people around me.

The things I liked most about PN were the daily lessons, written in what I like to call blog post form, they kept me engaged in the process and learning all the while. Also, as you may be able to guess, I really liked the continuous contact with my coach and even other team members. The way that I could personalize the program, especially after my shoulder injury, was invaluable.

PN go time

If you’re a self motivated individual who wants to get healthier, fitter, gain muscle and loose fat then PN could certainly be a program for you. Check out their homepage and blog. It is definitely something I would consider doing again in the future, after all they update the program all the time and there’s always more to learn!


One thought on “a year of pn

  1. Pingback: looking back: 2015 resolutions | Enjoy Not Knowing

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